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measure tape中文是什么意思

用"measure tape"造句"measure tape"怎么读"measure tape" in a sentence


  • 带尺
  • 拉尺发条
  • "measure"中文翻译    n. 1.尺寸,尺度,量,分量;【数学】测度;度量法;计 ...
  • "tape"中文翻译    n. 狭带,棉线带;卷尺;带尺;电报收报纸带;磁带,录音 ...
  • "tape measure" 中文翻译 :    卷尺,带尺。
  • "linen measure tape" 中文翻译 :    布带尺
  • "linen tape measure" 中文翻译 :    布带卷尺
  • "rewinding steel measure tape" 中文翻译 :    钢皮尺,钢卷尺
  • "spring linen tape measure" 中文翻译 :    弹簧布带卷尺
  • "spring steel tape measure" 中文翻译 :    弹簧钢皮尺
  • "steel measure tape" 中文翻译 :    钢卷尺
  • "steel tape measure" 中文翻译 :    钢卷尺
  • "tape line measure" 中文翻译 :    卷尺
  • "tape measure for horses" 中文翻译 :    马用量带尺
  • "tape measure object" 中文翻译 :    标尺测量物体
  • "in a measure" 中文翻译 :    一部分; 有几分
  • "in measure as" 中文翻译 :    按...的比例, 依照...的程度
  • "measure" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.尺寸,尺度,量,分量;【数学】测度;度量法;计量单位。 2.量具,量器。 3.(衡量)标准,准绳;程度;限度,界限,范围;过度,分寸;本分,份儿。 4. 【数学】约数。 5.【音韵学】韵律;【音乐】拍子,调子;小节;(慢而庄重的)舞蹈;〔古语〕跳舞,舞蹈。 6.〔常 pl.〕手段,措施,策略,步骤,方法,办法。 7.法案,议案,方案。 8.【印刷】行宽;页宽;〔pl.〕【地质学;地理学】层组;地层。 angular measure 角度。 circular measure 弧度。 apothecaries' measure 药衡制(容积单位)。 cubic measure 体积。 dry [liquid] measure 干[液]量。 linear measure = long measure 长度。 solid measure 容积。 measure of capacity 容量。 square [superficial] measure 面积。 yard measure 码尺。 weights and measures 权度,度量衡。 a measure or so of grain 一两斤粮食。 a common measure 公约数。 the greatest common measure 最大公约数〔略作 G.C.M.〕。 hygienic measure 卫生措施。 coal measures 煤层。 adopt measures 采取措施,处置。 beyond [above, out of] measure 无可估量,过分,极度。 by measure 按大小;论升;按尺寸。 drink a measure 喝一点儿。 give full [good] measure 给足分量。 give short measure 少给分量。 give [show] the measure of 成为…的标准,表示…的程度 (This book shows the measure of the author's intelligence. 由这本书可看出作者的智慧水准)。 have sb.'s measure to an inch 看穿[看透]某人。 in (a) great [large] measure 很,大半,大部分。 in a measure = in some measure 有几分,多少,稍稍。 keep [observe] measure(s) 守中庸之道。 keep measures with 宽大对待。 know no measure 没有边际,没有止境。 measure for measure 报复,以牙还牙。 measures to an end 达到目的的手段。 set measures to 限制。 take measures = adopt measures. take measure of 测定。 take one's measure = take the measure of ... 量某人的尺寸;打量某人。 take the measure of sb.'s foot 看穿某人的根底[能力]。 to fill up the measure of 使(不幸等)越过能忍受的程度;更糟糕的是。 to measure 照尺寸;按拍子,合调子。 tread a measure 〔古语〕跳舞。 use hard measures 虐待,用残暴手段。 within measure 适度地,适可地。 without measure 非常,过度。 vt. 1.量,计量,测量(大小、容量、尺寸等)。 2.打量,估量,判断(人物、力量)。 3.比较,比赛,较量(with)。 4.区分 (off);分派 (out)。 5.使均衡,使相称,调整。 6.〔诗〕通过,去,走,遍历。 measure sb. for new clothes 为某人量尺寸做新衣。 measure one's strength with another 和人赛力。 measure one's desires by one's fortune 使欲望同财力相适合。 vi. 1.量尺寸。 2.有…长[宽、高等]。 The room measures 20 feet across. 房间宽20英尺。 measure an opponent 【美体】打败对方。 measure another's corn by one's own bushel 照自己标准去判断别人;以己度人。 measure back 后退。 measure off 区分,区划。 measure oneself with 和…比赛。 measure one's length 卧倒地上。 measure out 分给(一定份量)。 measure strides 【美体】赛跑。 measure swords with (在决斗前)和人比剑的长短;拿剑和…相斗;和…相争。 measure thrice and cut once 三思而后行。 measure up 〔美国〕合标准,合格。 measure up to [with] 〔美国〕符合,达到(希望等)。 measure (sb.) with one's eye 上上下下打量(人)。
  • "measure in" 中文翻译 :    下钻测算井深
  • "of measure" 中文翻译 :    测量的
  • "measure for measure" 中文翻译 :    报复,一报还一报; 恶有恶报; 针锋相对的; 针锋相对地
  • "a tape" 中文翻译 :    一卷胶带
  • "on the tape" 中文翻译 :    行情显示
  • "tape" 中文翻译 :    n. 狭带,棉线带;卷尺;带尺;电报收报纸带;磁带,录音带;【电学】绝缘胶布;【运】决胜线上的细绳;【机械工程】传动带;【动物;动物学】条虫;〔俚语〕烈酒;〔美俚〕舌头。 red tape (扎公文文件的)红带,官样文章,文牍主义;[Red T-]威士忌酒商标。 breast the tape 赛跑得第一名。 vt. (-pp-) 用带捆扎;钉上带子;用胶带粘住;【装钉】穿线钉(书);用卷尺测量;用磁带录音;〔俚语〕估量,判断(某人)。 a taped window 贴上纸条的玻璃窗。 I have (got) him taped. 我看出他是个什么人了。
  • "tape on" 中文翻译 :    胶带粘紧
  • "in a great measure, in a large measure" 中文翻译 :    大部分,在很大程度上
  • "a common measure" 中文翻译 :    公度


  • Steel measuring tapes for drop centre rims for bicycles
  • Steel measuring tapes for rims shouldered on both sides
  • Steel measuring tapes for rims for motorcycles and sidecars
  • Adhesive measuring tape
  • Venier caliper , metallic ruler , measuring tape , square , center punch , felt point marker pen
  • Measuring instruments for building construction - methods for determining accuracy in use : measuring tapes
  • Measuring tapes packaging , housing lease ( with projects involving the business license permit to operate ) . mode of operation : processing , and services
    卷尺包装,房屋租赁(凡涉及许可经营的项目凭许可证经营) 。经营方式:加工、服务。
  • In view of henan province ’ s typifying for the five provinces in central china in regard to rural industrial development , this paper chiefly examines the enterprise networks in three clusters in henan province , that is , the steel office furniture cluster in pangcun town , yanshi city , the steel measuring tape cluster in nanzhuang village , yucheng county and the hair products cluster in xuchang county , xuchang city , by means of the social network analysis ( sna ) , transaction - cost analysis ( tca ) and space - time coupling approach . it explores the forms , process , evolution and performance of the networks among enterprises and other actors in clusters in rural areas of central china
用"measure tape"造句  
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